
Commissions and requests
Will NOT do:
- Contraversial
- Hate
I Highly recommend you DO NOT give me AI REFS as they tend to be really inconsistent.
I would rather you be detailed with your comm request now than later as it slows the process.
You will pay after I finish the sketch,and once payment is confirmed, I will continue
I only accept real-world currency via kofi and Robux.
Hello there
Sample text
Do you want me to draw you some art? You came to the right place!
I do commissions and Requests, and I would be more than glad to draw your character for a price (or free *wink wink*).
Do note I STRICTLY go by my Terms of service, and I may refuse to comply if it breaks my TOS. Not to mean that I hate you or anything, but I'm just saying I cant handle your requests due to my skills or some other stuff. You are more than welcome to find someone else to do it for you
Prices will increase of decrease in the future
NOTE: SGD to robux conversions are based on how much robux costs to buy, not dev ex rates.
Oh yeah theres a problem
with how I set up kofi
so until I can get it right
you will pay in the USD amount
eg: it says 30 sgd but you will type in 22 usd.
NOTE TO ALL COMMISSIONERS: despite popular belief, I DO NOT charge extra for use of vector layers
More Stuff
Extra character
Price based on the type of comm
Custom Ref Sheet Small [One full body + back + headshot]
30 SGD
Custom Ref Sheet Medium [2 full body, back and front + headshot]
50 SGD
Custom Ref Sheet Large [3 full body, back,side and front + headshot]
70 SGD
Extra Refsheet items [eg: assesories, extra details]
+1-5 SGD / item
Custom made character
Consult me lol
Extra donation
Name your own price
-Scroll for TOS!-
No colour - 5 SGD
Flat - 7 SGD
Just the head
Cel- 10 SGD
Rendered- 11 SGD
No colour - 7 SGD
Flat - 10 SGD
Head to the chests
Cel - 13 SGD
Rendered - 14 SGD
No colour - 10 SGD
Flat - 13 SGD
All the way down to the hips
Cel- 16 SGD
Rendered - 18 SGD
No colour - 13 SGD
Flat - 15 SGD
The entire deal
Cel/Gradient - 18 SGD
Rendered- 22 SGD
Flat - +0 SGD
Basic - +1 SGD
Don't make it boring (add cost)
Scene - +8 SGD
sample text because if i delete it the entire price section breaks
Terms of service
1)How i work
1a) Process
I work by sketch > confirmation > pay > finish. That means that you need to confirm if you want your art the way it is. I want to make sure you like the art that I produce.
Changes can be made free during the sketch or line art. Any changes during the colouring section will be refused or made at an extra cost.
But I'm a lax guy so some minor changes can be made free of charge during the colouring and shading section for free.
1b) Ordering
Please be detailed with what you want for your commissions beforehand, so we can work together as fast as possible! Provide a sufficient reference sheet^.
^Sufficent means that you give me a Refsheet that is unshaded and/or with a colour palate
1c) Availablity
Please note that this system is a first come first serve system. If commission slots are full or I am unavailable, it means I will not accept any orders.
2a) payment types
I accept Real money through Ko-fi, PayNow* or Robux if you are under 18 or can't open a PayPal account. Payment prices are in SGD (Singaporean Dollar) so if you live in America the price might be lower for you guys. I'll be happy to convert SGD to USD for you (just do it yourself lol it's that easy). Robux prices cost around the same as SGD/USD prices (worth like 1 SGD is 80 R$) so don't worry.
* This is only for people who have a PayNow compatible bank account in Singapore, or a country that supports Paynow (like Thailand)
2b) prices
Prices are subject to change.
2c) When to pay
You will pay when you confirm the sketch. Simple. NOTE: I'll not accept pay after completion.
2d) Refunds
This is something I have to figure out.
3)What I will draw, what i wont
3a) Species (furry and humans)
I'll draw any common species. Any custom closed species will require a species reference alongside.
About humans, I can draw them, but not as well as furries. So be aware.
3b) Type of art
I'll only draw SFW art. NSFW is a big no-no for me.
What falls under NSFW?
-Extreme gore
Note however I will draw:
- Cartoon Nudity (Basically the character is naked but no genitalia is drawn)
- Suggestive Proportions (Big hips/Ass or Muscles for example)
- Almost naked (very revealing clothing, but it still covers up the genitalia eg bikini and underwear)
- Light gore (Small nicks, cuts and bruises)
- Action gore (you know, getting stabbed in the stomach with a sword)
I will also NOT draw:
-Hate speech
-Real-world incidents
5a) Personal Use
When I draw for you, the art that comes out belongs to you. But, if you state that you would like it to be posted on my socials, I have the right to post it on my socials (with credit for your oc of course). However, If you don't want that, I will respect that decision and not post it or keep you anonymous (whichever you choose).
When I give you the art, it comes in two forms, watermarked and No watermark. PLEASE DO NOT post the No watermark version without my permission. AND ALSO PLEASE DO NOT CLAIM ANY OF MY COMMISSION WORK AS YOURS, THAT'S MEAN.
5b) Commerical use
Please discuss this before selling my art.
DO NOT use my art for AI model training without asking first.
Refunds only apply on a case-by-case basis. Other than that, no refunds.
As I said earlier, refunds are only available for SGD/USD payments. Payments made with ROBUX cannot be refunded
I love art

OC: Puptart by Sparkadile

+ basic background
+ basic background

OC: NightCrawler by KJP team
OC: Unnamed white wolf by Some random AI and Lucarkirb

Full body
+ basic background
+ scene background
OC: Xander by Sparkadile